Robert Alfrod(2011)《好研究怎麼做》王志弘 譯。
Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood (Luker)《墮胎與母職政治》
Abstract categories 抽象範疇
Abstract empiricism 抽象經驗論
Action agendas 行動議程
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
Action commitments 行動承諾
Actors 行動者
Acts of Meaning (Bruner)《意義的行動》
Adhikari, Ani
Affirmative action 平權措施
After the Fact (Geertz)《後事實追尋》
Against Fragmentation (Gouldner) 《反片斷化》
Agrarian Socialism《農業社會主義》
Alcoff, Linda
Alexander, Jeffrey C.
Altruistic suicide 利他型自殺
American Apartheid (Massey & Denton)《美國種族隔離》
action agendas in 行動議程
dialectical explanations in 辯證解釋
American Autobiography: Retrospcet and Prospect (Eakin)《美國自傳:回顧與前瞻》
Anderson, Elijah
Anderson, Perry
Ankersmit, Frank
Anomic suicide 失範型自殺
Anthropology 人類學
Anxiety, cognitive and emotional sources of 焦慮,認知與情緒的根源
Applied research 應用研究
Archaeology of Knowledge, The(Foucault)《知識考古學》
Argument construction 論證建構 ;參見Foreground historical arguments; Foreground interpretive arguments; Foreground multivariate arguments
divorce of theory and evidence in 理論與證據的分離
evidence and theory in 證據與理論
human agency in 人類能動性
Arguments 論證 ;參見Argument construction
Aristotle 亞里斯多德
Art of Asking Questions, The (Payne)《問問題的技巧》
Art of Case Study Research, The (Stake)《個案研究技巧》
Asylums (Goffman)《精神病院》
Atkinson, Paul
Authors of Their Own Lives (Berger)《生涯自傳》
Babbie, Earl
Background 背景
Background interpretive arguments 背景詮釋論證
Bacon, Francis
Ballard, Hoyt B.
Bannister, Robert C.
Barber, Bernard
Bazerman, Charles
Beamish, Rob
Becker, Howard S.
Bendix, Reinhard
Benedict, Ruth
Berger, Bennett
Berk, Richard
Bernard, Russell
Best and the Brightest, The (Halberstam)《出類拔萃》
Beyond Methodology: Feminist Scholarship as Lived Research (Fonow & Cook)《超越方法論:女性主義學術即生活研究》
Black Family in Slavery and Freedom, The (Gutman)《奴隸制與自由下的黑人家庭》
Black migration 黑人遷移
Blacks 黑人;參見American Apartheid; Declining Significance of Race, The
segregation and 隔離
significance of race vs. class for 種族相對於階級的重要性
Blackwell Companion to Social Theory, The (Turner)《布萊克威爾社會理論指南》
Blalock, Hubert M., Jr.
Bloch, Marc
Block-busting 街區清障
Blue Collar Community (Kornblum)《藍領社區》
Blumer, Herbert
Boas, Franz
Bohman, James F.
Boll weevil infestation 棉鈴象鼻蟲害
Bonaparte, Louis 波拿巴,路易;參見Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The
BonJour, Lawrence
Booth, Wayne C.
Bottomroe, Tom
Boudon, Raymond
Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives (Craig, LiPuma & Postone)《布迪厄:批判視角》
Bourdieu, Pierre
Bourgeois 資產階級(布爾喬亞)
Bourgeois Epoch, The: Marx and Engels on Britain, France and Germany (Hamilton)《資產階級年代:馬克思與恩格斯論英國、法國與德國》
Branch, Taylor
Braudel, Fernand
Breisach, Ernst
Briggs, Charles L.
Britain 英國(不列顛);參見England
Brown, Richard Harvey
Burner, Jerome
Bulmer, Martin
Burawoy, Michael
Burckhardt, Jacob
Bureaucracy and Participation; Political Cultures in Four Wisconsin Cities (Alford & Scoble)《科層制與參與:四個威斯康辛城市的政治文化》
Bureaucratization of knowledge 知識的科層化
Bureau of Applied Social Research 應用社會研究局
Burger, Thomas
Burns, Tom
Button, Graham
C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian (Horowitz)《萊特米爾斯:美國理想家》
C. Wright Mills and the Power Elite (Domhoff & Ballard)《萊特米爾斯與權力菁英》
Calhoun, Craig
Callinicos, Alex
Calvinism 喀爾文主義
Camaroff, Jean
Camaroff, John
Campbell, Donald T.
Capital (Marx)《資本論》(馬克思)
Capitalism 資本主義 ;參見Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The
Carnap, Rudolf
Caro, Robert A.
Carver, Terrell
Case for the Case Study, A (Feagin, Orum & Sjoberg)《個案研究的個案》
Categories 範疇(類別)
Catholics 天主教徒
Causality 因果關係
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《路易波拿巴》
multivariate paradigms distinguished from 與多變項典範的區別
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》,
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Causal variables 原因變項;參見 Independent variables
Central Hospital 中央醫院
Chamboredon, Jean-Claude
Changarnier, General 尚加尼耶,將軍
Chicago school 芝加哥學派
Chicago School of Sociology, The (Bulmer)《芝加哥學派》
China, Communism in 中國,共產主義 ;參見Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
Choices 選擇
Cicourel, Aaron
City University of New York 紐約市立大學
Civil rights movement 民權運動
Civil Wars in France, The (Marx)《法蘭西內戰》(馬克思)
Clark, Burton R.
Clark, Jon
Clark, Kenneth B.
Class 階級 ;參見Declining Significance of Race, The
Classic canon 經典
Clifford, James
Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method (Ginzburg)《線索、神話與歷史方法》
Cognitive interpretations 認知詮釋
Cognitive shortcuts 認知短路
Congnitive sources of anxiety 焦慮的認知根源
Cohen, Ralph
Cold War 冷戰
Cole, Stephen
Collected Works (Marx & Engels)《論文集》(馬克思與恩格斯) Collins, Randall
Colomb, Gregory G.
Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學
Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, The (Gouldner)《西方社會學的迫近危機》
Communism 共產主義;參見 Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
Comparative context 比較的脈絡
Comparative-historical sociology 比較–歷史社會學
Comparative studies 比較研究
Comte, August 孔德,奧古斯特
Concepts 概念
Conceptual Practices of Power, The: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge (Smith)《權力的概念性實踐:女性主義知識社會學》
Concrete categories 具體範疇
Condorcet, Marquis de
Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science, The (Kaplan)《探究的行為:行為科學方法論》
Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations《衝突與群體隸屬網》
Conjunctures 局勢
Consensus 共識
elite 菁英
Constructed evidence 建構的證據
Constructing Question for Interviews and Questionnaires (Foddy)《建構訪談與問卷的問題》
Constructing Social Theories (Stinchcombe)《建構社會理論》
Construction of arguments 論證的建構;參見 Argument construction
Contemporary Field Research (Emerson)《當代田野研究》
Contextual variables 脈絡變項
Continuous variables 連續變項
Control variables 控制變項
defined 定義
in revolution study 於革命研究
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Cook, Judith A.
Cooper, Harris
Corporate language 社團語言
Corporatism 統合主義
Correlation 相關
Coser, Lewis
Craft of Research, The (Booth, Colomb & Williams)《研究的技藝》
Craft of Sociology, The: Epistemological Preliminaries (Bourdieu, Chambordon & Passeron)《社會學的技藝:認識論初探》
Created evidence 創造的證據
Crisis of production 生產危機
Crisis of rationality 合理性危機
Crisis in sociology 社會學危機
Crisis of solidarity 連帶危機
Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (Lakatos & Musgrave)《批評與知識的成長》
Croce, Benedetto
Culture 文化
oppositional 對抗性
Culture of poverty 貧窮文化
Culture of segregation 隔離的文化
Currie, Gregory
Damrosch, David
Darwinian theories 達爾文派理論
Data 資料 ;參見 Empirical indicators; Measures
Declining Significance of Race, The (Wilson)《種族重要性的衰微》
Decomposition of Sociology, The (Horowitz)《社會學的解離》
Deconstruction 解構
Deductive theory 演繹理論
Democracy 民主 ;參見Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
Democracy in America (Tocqueville)《美國的民主》
Demographers 人口學家
Denton, Nancy
Denzin, Norman
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 住宅與都市發展署
Dependent variables 依賴變項
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
defined 定義
in multiple paradigms 於多重變項
in revolution study 於革命研究
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Descent into Discourse: The Reification of Language and the Writing of Social History (Palmer)《淪落到論述:語言物化與社會史的書寫》
Description 描述
Designing a research project 設計研究計畫;參見 Research project design
Dialectical explanations 辯證的解釋
in American Apartheid 於《美國的種族隔離》
defined 定義
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Dialectical Investigations (Ollman)《辯證的探查》
Dichotomous variables 二元變項
Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Social Thought (Outhwaite & Bottomore)《廿世紀社會思想辭典》
DiMaggio, Paul
Discipline 學科
Discourse analysis 論述分析
Discovery of Grounded Theory, The (Glaser & Strauss)《扎根理論的發現》
Disorder of Things, The: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science (Dupre)《事物的混亂:科學解體的形上學基礎》
Disunity of Science, The: Boundaries, Contexts and Power (Galison & Stump)《科學解體:邊界、脈絡與權力》
Documents 文件
Doing Exemplary Research (Frost & Stablein)《從事範例研究》
Doing Feminist Research (Roberts)《從事女性主義研究》
Domhoff, G. William
Donovan, Arthur
Duhem, Pierre
Dupre, John
Durkheim, Emile 涂爾幹,艾彌爾
Eakin, Paul John
Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology (Weber)《經濟與社會:詮釋社會學概要》(韋伯)
Effective Social Science: Eight Cases in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology (Barber)《有效的社會科學:經濟學、政治科學與社會學的八個案例》
Egoistic suicide 利己式自殺
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The (Marx)《路易波拿巴的霧月十八》(馬克思)
Eisenstadt, S. N.
Elements of Style, The (Strunk & White)《風格要素》
Elias, Norbert
Elite consensus 菁英共識
Elkins, Stanley
Emerson, Robert M.
Emil Durkheim: His Life and Work, a Historical and Critical Study (Lukes)《涂爾幹生涯暨著作的歷史與批判研究》
Emotional sources of anxiety 焦慮的情感根源
Empirical entry points 經驗切入點
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in Suicide 於《自殺論》
Empirical generalizations 經驗概括
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
in social knowledge 於社會知識
Empirical indicators 經驗指標 ;參見 Measures
Empirical Knowledge (Goldman)《經驗知識》
Empirical questions 經驗問題
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
defined 定義
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in foreground historical arguments 於強調歷史論證
in foreground interpretive arguments 於強調詮釋論證
in foreground multivariate arguments 於強調多變項論證
purpose of 目的
in social knowledge 於社會知識
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Empirical tracks of analysis 分析的經驗軌道
in revolution study 於革命研究
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Engaging the Past: The Uses of History Across the Social Sciences (Monkkonen)《與過往交手:社會科學裡的歷史用途》
Engels, Friedrich 恩格斯,佛列德瑞克
England 英格蘭;參見Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
democracy in 民主
suicide in 自殺
Enlightenment and Despair: A History of Sociology (Hawthorn)《啟蒙與絕望:歷史社會學》
Entry points 切入點 ;參見Empirical entry points ; Theoretical entry points
Epistemology 認識論
Erving Goffman (Burns)《高夫曼》
Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology (Manning)《高夫曼與現代社會學》
Essays in Sociological Theory《社會學理論文集》
Ethnic studies 族群研究
Ethnographer’s Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology, The (Stocking)《民族學家的魔術與人類學史論文》
Ethnographic Imagination, The: Textual Constructions of Reality (Atkinson)《民族誌想像:現實的文本建構》
Ethnography 民族誌
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
Chicago school of 芝加哥學派;參見 Chicago School
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
Ethnography and the Historical Imagination (Camaroff)《民族誌與歷史想像》
Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis (Burawoy)《解放民族誌:現代都會裡的權力與抵抗》
Ethnomethodology 俗民方法論
Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences (Button)《俗民方法論與人文學》
Evaluating Chicago Sociology (Kurtz)《評價芝加哥社會學》
Everyday World as Problematic, The: A Feminist Sociology (Smith)《質問日常世界:女性主義社會學》
Evidence 證據
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in classic canon 於經典
constructed 建構的
created 創造的
in foreground historical arguments 於前景的歷史論證
found 發現的
human agency and 人類能動性
natural 自然的
primary 初級的
secondary 次級的
theory distinguished from 與理論的區別
theory divorced from 與理論的分離
Exceptions Are the Rule: An Inquiry into Methods in the Social Sciences (Levine)《例外是規則:社會科學方法探討》
Excitement and Fascination of Science, The: Reflections by Eminent Scientists (Lederberg)《科學的興奮與魅力:卓越科學家的省思》
Exorcism 驅魔
Experience 經驗
Explanation 解釋
dialectical 辯證的
Explanatory variables 解釋變項;參見Independent variables
Facts 事實
Farmers Alliance 農民聯盟
Fascism 法西斯主義 ;參見Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
Feagin, Joe R.
Feminist Epistemologies (Alcoff & Potter)《女性主義認識論》
Feminist Methods in Social Research (Reinharz)《社會研究的女性主義方法》
Feminist theories 女性主義理論
Field notes 田野筆記
Fieldnotes: The Making of Anthropology (Sanjek)《田野筆記:人類學的構成》
Field work 田野工作
Finch, Henry A.
First-level panic 第一級恐慌
Fischer, David Hackett
Focused Interview, The《聚焦訪談》
Foddy, William
Fonow, Mary Margaret
Foreground 強調(前景)
Foreground historical arguments 前景的歷史論證
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Foreground interpretive arguments 前景的詮釋論證
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in Protestant Ethic 於《新教倫理》
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
Foreground multivariate arguments 前景的多變項論證
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
in Suicide 於《自殺論》
Foucault, Marxism, and History (Poster)《傅柯、馬克思主義與歷史》
Foucault, Michel 傅柯
Found evidence 發現的證據
Four Sociological Traditions (Collins)《社會學四大傳統》
Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience (Goffamn)《框架分析:經驗組織論》
France 法國 ;參見Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, The; Work and Revolution in France
Bonaparte coup d'état in 波拿巴政變
suicide in 自殺
Freedman, David
Freeman, Richard
Freire, Paulo
French Revolution 法國革命 ;參見Work and Revolution in France
Fretz, Rachel I.
Friedland, Roger
Friedman, Sharon
Frisby, David
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (Gerth & Mills)《韋柏社會學論文選》
Forst, Peter
Fulghum, Robert
Functions of Social Conflict, The (Coser)《社會衝突的功能》
Gadamer, H.G.
Galison, Peter
Garfinkel, Harold
Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology (Heritage)《葛芬柯與俗民方法論》
Gay and lesbian studies 男女同性戀研究
Geertz, Clifford
Gender strategies 性別策略
Genovese, Eugene
Germany, suicide in 德國,自殺
Gerth, Hans,
Ghetto, The《族裔聚居區》
Ghettos 族裔聚居區
Giddens, Anthony
Giesen, Bernhard
Ginzburg, Carlo
Glaser, Barney
Glassner, Barry
Glock, Charles
Goffman, Erving
Gold Coast and the Slum, The《黃金湖岸與貧民窟》
Goldman, Alan
Gordon, Scott
Gossez, Remi
Gouldner, Alvin
Gower, Barry
Green, Donald P.
Gross, Llewellyn
Grounded theory 扎根理論
Grundrisse (Marx)《政治經濟學批判大綱》(馬克思)
Gutting, Gary
Gutman, Herbert
Habermas, Jurgen
Habitus 習癖
Halberstam, David
Halliday, Terence
Halls, W. D.
Hamerow, Theodore
Hamilton, Richard F.
Hammersley, Martyn
Hammond, Philip E.
Handbook for Scholars, A (van Leunen)《學者手冊》
Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin & Lincoln)《質化研究手冊》
Handbook of Research Synthesis, The (Cooper & Hedges)《研究綜合手冊》
Harvard University 哈佛大學
Hawthorn, Geoffrey
Health Care Politics: Ideological and Interest Group Barriers to Reform (Alford)《健康照護政治:改革的意識形態與利益團體障礙》
Hechter, Micheal
Hedges, Larry V.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 黑格爾
Herder, Johann Gottfried von
Heritage, John
Hidden power 隱性權力
Hiley, David R.
Hirschman, Albert O.
Historians’ Fallacies: Toward a Logic of Historical Thought (Fischer)《史家的謬誤:歷史思想邏輯芻論》
Historical methodology 歷史方法論
Historical paradigms 歷史典範 ;參見 Foreground historical arguments
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
evidence in 證據
multivariate and interpretive paradigms compared with 多變項與詮釋典範的比較
in Protestant Ethic 於《新教倫理》
in revolution study 於革命研究
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in Suicide 於《自殺論》
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
working vocabulary of 操作語彙
Historical sociology 歷史社會學
Historiography 史學
Historiography: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern (Breisach)《史學:古代、中世紀與現代》
History And…Histories Within the Human Sciences (Cohen & Roth)《歷史與…人文學裡的歷史》
History and Philosophy of Social Science, The (Gordon)《社會科學的歷史與哲學》
History and Philosophy of the Social Science, A (Manicas)《社會科學的歷史與哲學》
History of Sociological Analysis, A (Bottomore & Nisbet)《社會分析的歷史》
History of Sociological Research Methods in America, A: 1920-1960 (Platt)《美國社會學研究方法史》
Hobo, The《流浪者》
Hochschild, Arlie
Hollinger, Robert
Hollywood Ten 好萊塢十大
Horowitz, Irving Louis
Housework 家事 ;參見Second Shift, The
Housing discrimination 住宅歧視
Hoyningen-Huene, Paul
Huber, Joan
Huberman, A. Michael
Hull, David
Human agency 人類能動性
Hunt, Morton
I 主我
Ideal type 理想型
Incommensurability 不可共量
Independent variables 獨立變項
defined 定義
in multiple paradigms 於多重典範
in revolution study 於革命研究
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Individual identities 個人認同 ;參見Asylums
Inductive theory 歸納理論
Industrial period 工業時期
Inquiry and Change: The Troubled Attempts to Understand and Shape Society (Lindblom)《探究與變遷:令人煩惱的認識與塑造社會嘗試》
Institutional constraints 制度性限制
Institutional levels of abstraction 抽象的制度層次
Intellectual capital 知識資本
Interaction effects 互動效果
defined 定義
Interpretations of Cultures, The (Geertz)《文化的詮釋》
Interpretive paradigms 詮釋典範 ;參見Foreground interpretive arguments
divorce of theory and evidence in 理論與證據的分離
evidence in 證據
historical paradigms compared with 與歷史典範比較
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
working vocabulary of 操作語彙
Interpretive Social Science: A Second Look (Rabinow & Sullivan)《再論詮釋社會科學》
Interpretive Turn: Philosophy, Science, Culture (Hiley, Bohman & Shusterman)《詮釋轉向:哲學、科學、文化》
Intervening variables 中介變項
defined 定義
Introduction to Historical Epistemology, An: The Authority of Knowledge (Tiles)《歷史認識論導論:知識的權威》
Introduction to the Study of History, An (Langlois & Seignobos)《歷史研究導論》
Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, An (Wacquant)《反思社會學導引》
IQ 智商
Jameson, Fredric
Janowitz, Morris
Japan, fascism in 日本,法西斯主義 93-98;參見Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The
Jews 猶太人
Jim Crow policies 種族歧視政策
Johnson, Lyndon
Journeys Through Ethnography: Realistic Accounts of Fieldwork (Lareau & Shultz)《穿越民族誌的旅程:田野工作的寫實主義陳述》
Kalberg, Stephen
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Abraham
Karl Marx: His Life and Thought (McLellan)《馬克思生涯與思想》
Karl Marx: Texts on Method (Carver)《馬克思論方法》
Katz, Jack
Katz, Michael
Kellner, Hans
Kemple, Thomas M.
Kendall, Patricia L.
Kennedy, John F.
Kincaid, Harold,
King, Martin Luther 金恩,馬丁路德
King, Rodney
Kings or People: Power and the Mandate to Rule (Bendix)《國王或人民:權力與授權統治》
Kinsey, Alfred
Knowledge 知識
bureaucratization of 科層化
social 社會;參見Social knowledge Knowledge and Evidence (Moser)
Knowledge for What? (Lynd)《知識何為?》
Kornblum, William
Krieger, Susan
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Kurtz, Lester R.
Labor 勞工 98-102;參見Work and Revolution in France; Working class
organized 組織化的
Lakatos, Imre
Langlois, Charles
Language 語言
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Language, Symbolism and Politics: Essays in Honor of Murray Edelman (Merelman)《語言、象徵與政治:莫瑞艾德曼紀念論文集》
Language of Social Research: A Reader in the Methodology of Social Research (Lazarsfeld & Rosenberg)《社會研究的語言:社會研究方法論讀本》
Lareau, Annette
Laudan, Larry
Laudan, Rachel
Lazarsfeld, Paul F.
Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities 都會開放社區領導委員會
Learning How to Ask (Briggs)《學習如何問》
Lederberg, Joshua
Left party, power of 左翼政黨的力量
Lehmann, Hartmut
Leisure gap 休閒差距
Lejeune, Phillippe
Lemert, Charles
Leonard, Peter
Levine, Joel H.
Lieberson, Stanley
Liebow, Elliot
Lincoln, Yvonna S.
Lindblom, Charles E.
Linear correlation models 線性相關模型
Lipset, Seymour Martin
LiPuma, Edward
Little, Daniel
Lloyd, Christopher
Logic of Marx’s Capital: The Replies to Hegelian Criticisms (Smith)《馬克思資本論的邏輯:回應黑格爾派的批評》
Logic of Practice, The (Bourdieu)《實作邏輯》
Louis Philippe, King 路易腓力國王
Loyalty oaths 效忠誓言
Luker, Kristin
Lukes, Steven
Lynd, Helen Merrell
Lynd Robert S.
McCall, Michael M.
McCarthy, Joseph
McCloskey, Donald N.
Machung, Anne
McLaren, Peter
McLellan, David
Macro levels of analysis 分析的宏觀層次
Macro-Micro Linkages in Sociology (Huber)《社會學的宏觀–微觀連結》
Making It Count (Lieberson)《讓它算數》
Making Science: Between Nature and Society (Cole)《創作科學:自然與社會之間》
Male and Female: A Study of the Sexes in a Changing World (Mead)《男性與女性:變化世界中的性研究》
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Manicas, Peter T.
Mann, Michael
Manning, Philip
Mapping 描繪
Marcus, George E.
Marius, Richard
Marshall, T. H.
Marx, Karl 馬克思,卡爾
Marx, Method, and the Division of Labor (Beamish)《馬克思、方法與分工》
Marxism 馬克思主義
Declining Significance of Race and 與《種族重要性的衰微》
Social Origins and 與《社會起源》
Marx’s Method in Capital: A Reexamination (Mosley)《馬克思資本論方法再探》
Marx’s Theory of Scientific Knowledge (Murray)《馬克思的科學知識理論》
Mason, William M.
Massey, Douglas
Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait (Bendix)《韋伯的知識肖像》
Max Weber’s Theory of Concept Formation: History, Laws, and Ideal Types (Burger)《韋伯的概念構成理論:歷史、法則與理想型》
Me 客我
Mead, George Herbert
Mead, Margaret
Measures 測量;參見 Empirical indicator
Megill, Allan
Mental hospital 精神病院;參見 Asylums
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Merton, Robert K.
Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe (White)《後設史學:十九世紀歐洲的歷史想像》
Method 方法
in classic canon 於經典
social knowledge and 與社會知識
vs. theory and research 相對於理論和研究
Method and Measurement in Sociology (Cicourel)《社會學的方法與測量》
Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach 2d ed. (Sayer)《社會科學方法:實在論取向》
Methodology and Epistemology for Social Science: Selected Papers (Overman)《社會科學方法論與認識論文選》
Methodology of the Social Sciences, The (Weber)《社會科學方法論》
Michelet, Jules
Microfoundations of Macrosociology, The (Hechter)《宏觀社會學的微觀基礎》
Micro levels of analysis 分析的微觀層次
Micro-Macro Link, The (Alexander, Giesen & Smelser)《微觀–宏觀連結》
Middle-range theory 中程理論
Middletown (Lynd)《中鎮》
Middletown in Transition (Lynd)《中鎮轉型》
Miles, Matthew B.
Mill, John Stuart
Mills, C. Wright
Modernist Impulses in the Human Sciences (Ross)《人文學的現代主義動力》
Modgil, Celia
Modgil, Sohan
Monkkonen, Eric H.
Moore, Barrington, Jr.
Moseley, Fred
Moser, Paul K.
Moses, Robert
Multiple conceptions of the self 自我的多重概念
Multiple paradigms of inquiry 多重探究典範
about revolutions 關於革命
about the welfare state 關於福利國家
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Multivariate methodology 多變項方法論
Multivariate paradigms 多變項典範;參見 Foreground multivariate arguments
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
causality distinguished from 與因果關係的區別
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
divorce of theory and evidence in 理論與證據的分離
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
evidence in 證據 36-37
historical paradigm compared with 與歷史典範比較
in Protestant Ethic 於《新教倫理》
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in Suicide 於《自殺論》
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
working vocabulary of 操作語彙
Murray, Patrick
Musgrave, Alan
Narrative history 敘事史
Natural evidence 自然證據
Nelson, John S.
Neuman, W. Lawrence
New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, The (Powell & DiMaggio)《組織分析的新制度論》
New Philosophy of history, A (Ankersmit & Kellner)《新歷史哲學》
New York University 紐約大學
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Nisbet, Robert
Noise 噪音
Objectivity 客觀性
Observation 觀察
Occupational prestige scores 職業聲望分數
Ollman, Bertell
On Autobiography (Lejuene)《論自傳》
On Social Research and Its Language (Boudon)《社會研究及其語言》
On Social Structure and Science (Merton)《社會結構與科學》
Ontology 存有論
Oppositional culture 對抗性文化
Organic solidarity 有機連帶
Organizational levels of abstraction 抽象的組織層次
Organized labor, strength of 組織化勞工的力量
Origins of American Social Science, The (Ross)《美國社會科學源起》
Orum, Anthony M.
Outcome variables 結果變項;參見Dependent variables
Outhwaite, William
Overman, E. Samuel
Palmer, Bryan D.
Paradigms and Revolutions (Gutting)《典範與革命》
Paradigms of inquiry 探究典範 ;參見Historical paradigms; Interpretive paradigms; Multiple paradigms of inquiry; Multivariate paradigms
defined 定義
Parsons, Talcott,
Participant observation 參與式觀察;參見 Observation
Participant Observer: An Autobiography (Whyte)《參與觀察者自述》
Parting the Waters: America in the King Years (Branch)《分水:金恩時代的美國》
Party and Society: The Anglo-American Democracies (Alford)《政黨與社會:英美民主制》
Passeron, Jean-Claude
Paternalism 家長制
Path analysis 路徑分析
Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory (Green & Shapiro)《理性選擇論的病理》
Patriarchy 父權體制
Patterns of Culture (Benedict)《文化模式》
Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter (McLaren & Leonard)《保羅佛萊雷:批判的遭遇》
Payne, Stanley L.
Pearce, Frank
Peasantry 農民
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire)《受壓迫者教育學》
Peirce, C. S.
Pennsylvania Hospital 賓州醫院
Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy (Polanyi)《個人知識:邁向後批判哲學》
Phenomenological philosophy 現象學哲學
Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences (Kincaid)《社會科學的哲學基礎》
Philosophical Papers(Worrall & Currie) 《哲學論文集》
Philosophical of Social Science (Root) 《社會科學哲學》
Pickering, Andrew
Pisani, Robert
Place on the Corner, A (Anderson)《角落地方》
Places of Inquiry: Research and Advanced Education in Modern Universities (Clark)《探究的所在:現代大學的研究與先進教育》
Platt, Jennifer
Poggi, Gianfranco
Poincare, Henri
Polanyi, Karl
Polanyi, Michael
Political Economy of Slavery, The (Genovese)《奴隸制的政治經濟學》
Political sociology 政治社會學
Popper, Karl
Popular legitimacy of the welfare state 福利國家的人民正當性
Porter, Theodore
Positivism 實證主義
Poster, Mark
Postmodernism 後現代主義
Postmodernism and Social Theory (Seidman & Wagner)《後現代主義與社會理論》
Postmodernism and the Social Sciences: A Thematic Approach (Hollinger)《後現代主義與社會科學主題探討》
Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions (Rosenau)《後現代主義與社會科學:洞察、進展與入侵》
Postone, Moishe
Potter, Elizabeth
Powell, Walter, W.
Power 權力
hidden 隱性
Power Broker, The: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (Caro)《權力掮客:羅伯特摩西與紐約的沉淪》
Power Elite, The (Mills)《權力菁英》
PowerKnowledge (Foucault)《知識∕權力》
Powers of Theory: Capitalism, the State and Democracy (Alford & Friedland)《理論的力量:資本主義、國家與民主》
Practice of Social Research, The 7th ed (Babbie)《社會研究實踐》
Preindustrial period 前工業時期
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, The (Goffman)《日常生活中的自我呈現》
Primary evidence 初級證據
Problems 難題
research questions distinguished from 與研究問題的區別
selection of 挑選
Proctor, Robert
Production, crisis of 生產的危機
Professions 專業
Profiles of Social Research: The Scientific Study of Human Interactions (Hunt)《社會研究側寫:人類互動的科學研究》
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber)《新教倫理與資本主義精神》(韋伯)
Protestants 新教徒 ;參見Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The
Prus, Robert
Public policy programs 公共政策學程
Purves, Roger,
Qualitative Data Analysis (Miles & Huberman)《質化資料分析》
Qualitative techniques 質化技巧
Quantitative techniques 量化技巧
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
Questions About Questions: Inquiries into the Cognitive Bases of Surveys (Tanur)《問題的問題:調查認知基礎探討》
Rabinow, Paul
Race 種族;參見American Apartheid; Declining Significance of Race, The
class vs. 相對於階級
segregation and 與隔離
Radical Durkheim, The (Pearce)《激進涂爾幹》
Ragin, Charles C.
Rational choice theory 理性選擇論
Rationality, crisis of 合理性危機
Reading Marx Writing: Melodrama, the Market, and the ‘Gundrisse’ (Kemple)《閱讀馬克思寫作:通俗劇、市場與「大綱」》
Reconstructing Scientific Revolutions: Thomas S. Kuhn’s Philosophy of Science (Hoyningen-Huene)《重建科學革命:湯瑪斯孔恩的科學哲學》
Redlining 紅線標記(貸款歧視)
Reflections on a Life (Elias)《生涯省思錄》
Reflections on History and Historians (Hamerow)《反思史學與史學家》
Regression analysis 迴歸分析
Religion and Economic Action: A Critique of Max Weber (Samuelsson)《宗教與經濟行動:韋伯批判》
Research 研究 ;參見 Research Project design; Research questions
Research Method in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2d ed. (Bernard)《人類學研究方法:質化與量化的探討》
Research project design 研究計畫設計
cognitive and emotional sources of anxiety in 焦慮的認知與情感根源
problem selection in 難題挑選
research question as entry points in 研究問題作為切入點
Research questions 研究問題;參見 Empirical questions; Theoretical questions
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
bad 壞的
as entry points 作為切入點
evidence and 與證據
foreground and background 前景與背景
problems distinguished from 與難題的區別
about the welfare state 關於福利國家 104
Response variables 反應變項;參見Dependent variables
Rethinking Objectivity (Megill)《反思客觀性》
Revolution 革命
Rhetorical Turn: Invention and Persuasion in the Conduct of Inquiry (Simons)《修辭轉向:探究行為的發明與說服》
Rhetoric of the Human Science, The (Nelson, Megill & McClosky)《人文科學的修辭》
Rise of Historical Sociology, The (Smith) 《歷史社會學的興起》
Rise of Statistical Thinking, The (Porter)《統計思維的興起》
Robert K. Merton: Consensus and Controversy (Clark & Modgil)《墨頓:共識與爭議》
Rolling reformulations 滾動式重構
Rules of Sociological Method, The (Durkheim)《社會學方法的規則》(涂爾幹)
St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 聖伊莉莎白醫院
Schneider on Schneider (Schneider)《施納德論施奈德》
Science as a Process (Hull)《科學是過程》
Science as Practice and Culture (Pickering)《科學是實踐與文化》
Scientific Marx, The (Little)《科學馬克思》
Scientific method 科學方法
Scientific Method: A Historical and Philosophical Introduction (Gower)《科學方法:歷史與哲學導論》
Scientific research programs 科學研究方案
Scoble, Harry M
Scrutinizing Science: Empirical Studies of Scientific Change (Donovan & Laudan)《檢視科學:科學變遷的經驗研究》
Secondary evidence 次級證據
Second-level panic 第二級恐慌
second-order texts 二階文本
Second Shift, The (Hochschild)《第二輪班》
Segregation 隔離 ;參見 American Apartheid
Segregation indexes 隔離指標
Self-fulfilling prophecy 自證式預言
Semiprofessions 半專業
Sex and Repression in Savage Society (Malinowski)《野蠻社會的性與壓抑》
Shaping Written Knowledge (Bazerman)《塑造書寫的知識》
Shibutani, Tamotsu 涉谷保
Simmel and Since: Essays on Georg Simmel’s Social Theory (Frisby)《齊末爾及其後:齊末爾社會理論文選》
Situational levels of abstraction 抽象的情境層次
Skocpol, Theda
Slavery 奴隸制
Slavery (Elkins)《奴隸制》
Slippage 偏移
Social construction 社會建構
Social evolution 社會演化
Social facts 社會事實
Social history 社會史
Social inquiry 社會探究
Social knowledge 社會知識
institutional constraints on 制度性限制
Social Misconstruction of Reality, The (Hamilton)《現實的社會誤解》
Social movements 社會運動
Social needs 社會需求
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, The (Moore)《獨裁與民主的社會起源》
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy (Moore)《獨裁與民主的社會起源》
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 2d ed. (Neuman)《社會研究法:質化與量化探究》
Social roles 社會角色
Social Science and the Self: Personal Essays on an Art Form (Krieger)《社會科學與自我:一個藝術形式的私人論述》
Social selves 社會自我
Social stratification 社會分層
Social Theories of Talcott Parsons, The 《帕深思的社會理論》
Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings (Lemert)《社會理論:多元文化經典讀本》
Social Theory and Social Structure (Merton)《社會理論與社會結構》
Social Theory Today (Turner)《今日社會理論》
Societal integration 社會性整合 ;參見Suicide: A Study in Sociology
Society 社會
Socioeconomic status (SES) 社會經濟地位
Sociological imagination 社會學的想像
Sociological Imagination, The (Mills)《社會學的想像》
Sociological Methodology 社會學方法論
Sociological Tradition, The (Nisbet)《社會學傳統》
Sociologists at Work (Hammond)《現職社會學家》
Sociology After the Crisis (Lemert)《危機後的社會學》
Sociology and Its Publics: The Forms and Fates of Disciplinary Organizations (Halliday & Janowitz)《社會學及其公眾:學科組織的形式與命運》
Sociology and Scientism: The American Quest for Objectivity (Bannister)《社會學與科學主義:客觀性的美國追尋》
Sociology as an Art Form (Nisbet)《社會學是一種藝術形式》
Sociology of Georg Simmel, The (Wolff)《齊末爾社會學》
Sociology of organizations 組織社會學
Solidarity, crisis of 連帶的危機
Soviet Union 蘇聯
Specialization 專殊化
Split labor-market theory 分裂勞動市場理論
States and Social Revolutions (Skocpol)《國家與社會革命》
Statistical analysis 統計分析
Statistics 2d ed. (Freedman et al)《統計學》
Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity (Goffman)《污名:論損害認同之管理》
Strategic Interactions (Goffman)《策略性互動》
Street Corner Society (Whyte)《街角社會》
Structural functionalism 結構功能論
Structuralism 結構主義
Structure of Empirical Knowledge, The (BonJour)《經驗知識的結構》
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn)《科學革命的結構》(孔恩)
Structure of Social Action, The (Parsons)《社會行動的結構》
“Structure of the Working Class of Marseille” (Sewell)〈馬賽勞動階級的結構〉
Structures of History, The (Lloyd)《歷史的結構》
Studies in Ethnomethodology (Garfinkel)《俗民方法論研究》
Stump, David J.
Subcultures 次文化
Subfields 次領域
Subjective meanings 主觀意義
Substantive rationality 實質理性
Suburbanization 郊區化
Suicide 自殺
altruistic 利他型
anomic 失範型
egoistic 利己型
Suicide: A Study in Sociology (Durkheim)《自殺論:社會學研究》(涂爾幹)
Survey analysis 調查分析
Symbolic Interaction and Cultural Studies (Becker & McCall)《符號互動與文化研究》
Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research (Prus)《符號互動與民族誌研究》 155
Symbolic interactionism 符號互動論
Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method (Blumer)《符號互動論:視角與方法》
Symbolic meanings 象徵意義
in American Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in Declining Significance of Race 於《種族重要性的衰微》
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in Protestant Ethnic 於《新教倫理》
in Second Shift 於《第二輪班》
in Social Origins 於《社會起源》
in Suicide 於《自殺論》
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Symposium on Sociological Theory (Gross)《社會學理論研討》
Systems theory 系統理論
Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography (van Maanen)《田野故事:論民族誌寫作》
Tally’s Corner (Liebow)《泰利的街角》
Tanur, Judith M.
Tautology 循環論證(套套邏輯)
Taxi Dance Girl, The《舞女》
Texts 文本
Second-order 二階
Theoretical claims 理論宣稱
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in foreground historical arguments 於前景的歷史論證
in foreground interpretive arguments 於前景的詮釋論證
in foreground multivariate arguments 於前景的多變項論證
in social knowledge 於社會知識
Theoretical entry points 理論切入點
Theoretical Logic in Sociology (Alexander) 《社會學的理論邏輯》
Theoretical question 理論問題
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
defined 定義
in Eighteenth Brumaire 於《霧月十八》
in foreground historical arguments 於前景的歷史論證
in foreground interpretive arguments 於前景的詮釋論證
purpose of 目的
in social knowledge 於社會知識
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Theoretical tracks of analysis 分析的理論軌道
in revolution study 於革命研究
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
Theories and Narratives: Reflections of the Philosophy of History (Callinicos)《理論與敘事:歷史哲學反思》
Theory 理論
in Asylums 於《精神病院》
in classic canon 於經典
evidence distinguished from 與證據的區別
evidence divorced from 與證據的分離
method and research vs. 相對於方法與研究
social knowledge and 與社會知識
Theory and Progress in Social Science (Rule)《社會科學的理論與進步》
Theory and society (Szántó)《理論與社會》
Thompson, E. P. 141n.14,
Three-variable hypotheses 三變項假設
Time series analysis 時間序列分析
Total institutions 全控機構 ;參見 Asylums
Totality 全面性
Tracks of analysis 分析軌道 ;參見 Empirical tracks of analysis; Theoretical tracks of
in revolution study 於革命研究
in welfare state study 於福利國家研究
in Work and Revolution 於《工作與革命》
Trust in Numbers (Porter)《信任數字》
Truth 真理
Typology 類型學
Underclass culture 底層階級文化
“Underclass” Debate, The: Views from History (Katz)《「底層階級辯論:歷史觀點」》
Understanding Scientific Prose (Seltzer)《認識科學散文》
United Autoworkers 汽車工人聯合會
Units of analysis 分析單位
in Americn Apartheid 於《美國種族隔離》
for the welfare state 於福利國家
University of California at Berkeley 加州大學柏克萊校區
University of California at San Francisco 加州大學舊金山校區
University of California at Santa Barbara 加州大學聖塔巴巴拉校區
University of California at Santa Cruz 加州大學聖塔克魯茲校區
University of Chicago 芝加哥大學
University of Essex 艾塞克斯大學
University of Wisconsin at Madison 威斯康辛大學陌地生校區
Urban renewal 都市更新
Value-Free Science: Purity and Power in Modern Knowledge (Proctor)《價值中立的科學:現代知識的純淨與權力》
Value-neutrality 價值中立
Variables 變項
contextual 脈絡
continuous 連續
control 控制;參見Control variables
defined 定義
dependent 依賴;參見Dependent variables
dichotomous 連續
independent 獨立;參見Independent variables
intervening 中介
as measures certifying reality 作為確證現實的測量
Varied Sociology of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, The (Kendall)《拉扎斯菲爾德的各式社會學》
Varieties of Social Explanation (Little)《多樣的社會解釋》
Verstehen 瞭悟
Vico, Giambattista
Vision and Method in Historical Sociology (Skocpol)《歷史社會學的視野與方法》
Wacquant, Loic J. D.
Wagner, David G.
Wallerstein, Immanuel
Warranting community 核可社群
Weber, Irrationality, and Social Order (Sica)《韋伯、非理性與社會秩序》
Weber Max 韋伯
Weber’s Protestant Ethic: Origins, Evidence, Contexts (Lehmann & Roth)《韋伯的新教倫理:起源、證據與脈絡》
Welfare state 福利國家
dependent variables in study of 研究中依賴變項
independent variables in study of 研究中的獨立變項
popular legitimacy of 人民正當性
units of analysis for 分析單位
We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University (Damrosch)《我輩學人:改變大學的文化》
Weydemeyer, Joseph
What Is a Case? Exploring the Foundations of Social Inquiry (Ragin & Becker)《何謂個案?探索社會探究的基礎》
What’s Wrong with Ethnography? (Hammersley)《民族誌出了什麼錯?》
When Marxists do Research (Vaillancourt)《馬克思主義者做研究時》
Women’s studies 婦女研究
Work and Authority in Industry (Bendix)《產業工作與權威》
Work and Revolution in France (Sewell)《法國的工作與革命》
Working class 勞動階級 ;參見 Labor
Working vocabulary 操作語彙
research project design and 與研究設計
works illustrating 闡述的著作
World system theories 世界體系理論
World War I 第一次世界大戰
World War II 第二次世界大戰
Writer’s Companion, A (Marius)《作家指南》
Writing and Thinking in the Social Sciences (Friedman & Steinberg)《社會科學的寫作與思考》
Writing Culture (Clifford & Marcus)《書寫文化》
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes (Emerson, Fretz & Shaw)《書寫民族誌田野筆記》
Writing for Social Scientists (Becker)《社會科學家寫作》
Writing the Social Text: Poetics and Politics in Social Science Discourse (Brown)《書寫社會文本:社會科學論述的詩學與政治》