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Patrick Baert(2011)《社會科學哲學:邁向實用主義》(Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Towards Pragmatism)何昭群 譯。台北:群學

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Sharon Zukin(2012)《裸城:純正都市地方的生與死》(Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places)王志弘、王玥民、徐苔玲 譯。台北:群學


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Pete Alcock ,Angus Erskine ,margaret May(2006) 《解讀社會政策》(The Studen't Compaion to Social Policy) 李易駿 譯。台北:群學


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Tim Cresswell(2006)《地方:記憶、想像與認同》(Place:A Short introduction)徐苔玲、王志弘 譯。台北:群學


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Pual Hirst & Grahame Thompson(2002)《全球化迷思》(Globalization in Question:The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance)朱道凱 譯。台北:群學


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